A Warm Welcome to our New Board Members

We could not achieve the magic we have today without the support of our incredible team. Our board is made up of people who do amazing things for this community and we are so grateful to them. Please see our board members here. Right now we want to congratulate our two newest members to the team. Please welcome Wendy Watson and Jordan Ferguson.


“I have been in the Domestic Violence Unit for just over three years and have talked with you at the Spokane Regional Domestic Violence Coalition meetings.  I am a strong believer in collaboration.  I also understand the dynamics of Domestic Violence and the importance of educating youth before they are locked into a cycle of violence.”

Sgt Jordan Ferguson M.A.
Domestic Violence Uni

“I’m excited at the opportunity to serve on the board for Create Your Statement.  I’ve spent my entire career working in Spokane Public Schools for at-risk students and communities.  Currently, as Principal of Garry Middle School, I’m dealing with students on a daily basis who don’t understand what a healthy relationship looks like; whether it’s one based on dating, friendships, family, or working with school staff.  So much of their dysfunction is learned from the home and is based on trying to control other people instead of understanding the concepts of love and respect as a basis for healthy relationships.”

Wendy Watson, Ed.D.
Principal, Spokane Public Schools

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